Aquela scèna tirada de Monsur Verdoux me fa petar de rire. Mr Verdoux es una mena de Landru que mata totei sei femnas, sota diferenteis identitats en prene l'argent de l'ostau. De cops que li a lei donas acaban a la caminèia. La mai malaisada de suprimir es aquèsta cagola que vesètz sota. Una galina parisenca que ten mai que mai a son argent. Sus la barca, avisatz que Verdoux imatgina quicom mai qu'una passejada romantica... E lo crimi es luenh d'èstre perfiech. Lo joc dei dos comedians es remirable. Me fa cacalassar.
Trobère aquèste comentari sus YOUTUBE a prepaus dau filme:
"Martha Raye was the only woman Chaplin ever allowed to play comedy with him like this because he trusted her instincts at physical comedy and had confidence in her ability to adlib. She considered this role the highlight of her career."
Trobère aquèste comentari sus YOUTUBE a prepaus dau filme:
"Martha Raye was the only woman Chaplin ever allowed to play comedy with him like this because he trusted her instincts at physical comedy and had confidence in her ability to adlib. She considered this role the highlight of her career."
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